Coolest Smart Gadgets at Europe’s Biggest Tech Trade Show (IFA)

Coolest Smart Gadgets

Every year, tech enthusiasts eagerly anticipate Europe’s most prominent technology trade show. It’s the Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin, or simply IFA.

This is a showcase of the latest and greatest innovations in consumer electronics. The show includes everything from cutting-edge smartphones to futuristic smart home gadgets. IFA never fails to impress.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the coolest smart gadgets unveiled at IFA. As well as explore how they are shaping the future of technology.

Samsung’s JetBot 90 AI+

One of the most eye-catching exhibits at IFA was Samsung’s JetBot 90 AI+. This intelligent robot vacuum cleaner takes smart cleaning to a whole new level.

Image credit: Samsung

It uses advanced AI and sensors to navigate your home efficiently. It avoids obstacles and adjusts its cleaning patterns based on the room’s layout. It has powerful cleaning capabilities and a large dustbin. It’s an impressive addition to the world of home automation.

Spatial Reality Display

Sony introduced its Spatial Reality Display, which is nothing short of mind-blowing. This 3D display creates realistic, high-resolution 3D objects. They seemingly float in the air.

It’s a game-changer for professionals in industries like design, architecture, and gaming. The technology has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with digital content.

Philips Hue Gradient Lightstrip

Philips expanded its Hue smart lighting range with the Gradient Lightstrip. This one is unlike traditional light strips. It features several colors that can synchronize with your TV screen. This creates an immersive ambient lighting experience. It can enhance your movie and gaming nights. It’s a fantastic example of how smart lighting can transform your living space.

Bose QuietComfort 45 Headphones

Bose introduced the QuietComfort 45 headphones at IFA. They deliver the signature noise-canceling technology that Bose is known for. These wireless headphones are comfortable for long listening sessions. They also offer exceptional sound quality and improved noise cancellation. They are a must-have for music lovers and frequent travelers.

LG’s Rollable OLED TV

LG unveiled its rollable OLED TV. It’s a marvel of engineering that can magically disappear when you don’t need it. With the press of a button, the TV screen rolls up and disappears into its base. It saves space and offers a sleek, minimalist look when not in use. This innovation heralds a new era of flexible displays. It also opens up exciting possibilities for interior design.

Image credit: LG

When you’re ready to watch, it unrolls to provide a stunning 4K OLED display. It’s a glimpse into the future of flexible display technology. As well as how it can revolutionize home entertainment.

Braun’s MultiQuick 9 Hand Blender with ActiveBlade Technology

Smart gadgets aren’t limited to entertainment and convenience. They extend to the kitchen as well. An example is Braun’s MultiQuick 9 Hand Blender with ActiveBlade Technology. It caught the attention of culinary enthusiasts. Its unique blade design ensures more effective blending and chopping. It can make meal preparation faster and easier.

Bosch’s Virtual Visor

Bosch showcased its Virtual Visor, a revolutionary upgrade to the traditional car visor. The visor uses AI and a transparent LCD panel. It blocks out the sun’s glare without obstructing your view. It selectively darkens only the sections of the visor where glare is present. This provides enhanced visibility and safety while driving. This innovation promises a more comfortable and safer driving experience for all.

TCL Wearable Display

TCL showcased a wearable display that offers a personal cinematic experience. These glasses provide an immersive viewing experience with a large virtual screen. On a long flight or want to enjoy a private movie night? These wearable displays are a game-changer.

Image credit: TCL

Samsung’s SmartThings Hub

At IFA, Samsung showcased its SmartThings Hub. This is an intelligent central hub. It connects and controls all your smart devices seamlessly. It acts as the brain of your smart home. And allows you to manage lighting, security, climate, and more. Its integration capabilities make it a standout choice. It will be of interest to anyone looking to build a truly connected home.

Withings’ Sleep Tracking Mat

Withings introduced its Sleep Tracking Mat. It’s a smart device that slips under your mattress. It monitors your sleep patterns, heart rate, and snoring.

The gadget provides detailed insights into your sleep quality. It helps you understand your sleep habits better. As well as make adjustments for a more restful night. It’s a valuable tool for anyone looking to focus on their health and well-being..

Let Us Help You Gear Up for the Future

Smart gadgets are evolving. We’ve seen everything from intelligent home automation to innovative car accessories. These devices are shaping the future of how we live, work, and play.

Gear up for the future—because it’s arriving faster than we ever imagined. 

Give us a call today to schedule a chat about leveraging smart tech at home or work.

Article used with permission from The Technology Press.

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Choose Wisely: What Smart Home Tech Should You Adopt and Avoid?

What Smart Home Tech Should You Adopt and Avoid?

In the age of smart living, our homes are becoming increasingly intelligent. They’re designed to cater to our every need. Smart gadgets are transforming how we turn on the lights, home security, and more. They even help us feed our pets from afar.

But with the rapid evolution of this technology, it’s crucial to make informed choices. To know what to adopt and what to avoid. Every smart technology isn’t as helpful as another.

You also must be careful of things like security and oversharing. Some devices will spread your data far and wide without your realization.

Here are some tips on what smart home tech to adopt and to avoid.

Tips to Make Better Smart Home Device Choices

Adopt: Smart Lighting Systems

Smart lighting systems have proven to be both energy-efficient and convenient. They allow you to control the ambiance of your home. As well as schedule lights to go on and off. You can even change colors to match your mood.

These systems offer seamless integration with voice assistants. There are also many brands to choose from. Smart lights can enhance your home’s aesthetic and energy efficiency.

Avoid: Cheap, Unbranded Smart Devices

There is a definite allure to low-cost smart devices. Yet these unbranded alternatives often compromise on security and functionality. You have to ask yourself, “Why are they so cheap?”

They may also be selling your data. And who reads those long user acceptance policies? You risk a lot by choosing a cheaper, unbranded device.

Investing in reputable brands ensures several benefits. Including:

  • Regular updates
  • Security patches
  • Compatibility with other smart home devices
  • Long-term support

Cutting corners on unknown brands may end up being costly. This is true for both security and performance.

Adopt: Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats, like Nest and ecobee, learn your habits. They adjust your home’s temperature accordingly. They contribute significantly to energy savings. They do this by optimizing heating and cooling based on occupancy patterns.

There is also the convenience of using smartphone apps and voice control. These devices offer convenient climate management while reducing utility bills.

Avoid: Overcomplicating Security Systems

Robust security systems are essential. But overcomplicating them with unnecessary gadgets may lead to confusion and inefficiency. The more devices you add to a security system, the more exposure for your network.

Focus on key elements like smart locks, security cameras, and motion sensors. Opt for systems that offer user-friendly interfaces. Look for straightforward operation. You want to ensure effective home security without unnecessary complexities.

Adopt: Smart Home Hubs

Smart home hubs are popular. Brands such as Amazon Echo and Google Nest Hub serve as the central smart command centers. They give you one place to manage all your smart devices.

These hubs enable seamless communication between various devices. As well as simplify control through voice commands or smartphone apps. Investing in a compatible hub ensures a harmonious smart home experience.

Avoid: Ignoring Privacy Concerns

The convenience of smart home tech should not come at the expense of your privacy. Be cautious about devices that constantly record audio or video. Especially if done without clear user consent. Regularly review privacy settings. Limit data collection. Choose devices from reputable companies that focus on user privacy and data security.

Be sure to watch for announcements about changes. For example, Amazon recently opted users in automatically to Amazon Sidewalk. This is a shared neighborhood Wi-Fi. Unless you were aware, you may have known to opt out if you wanted.

Adopt: Smart Home Security Cameras

Smart security cameras provide real-time monitoring and remote access. They also enhance the safety of your home. Look for cameras with features like motion detection, two-way audio, and cloud storage.

Many brands offer reliable, user-friendly security camera systems. These help you keep an eye on your property and keep your family safe.

Avoid: Impulse Buying Without Research

The excitement of new gadgets can lead to impulse purchases. Before buying any smart home device, conduct thorough research. Read reviews and compare features. Also, assess compatibility with your existing devices.

Take the time to check out a device before buying. This helps ensure that you make informed decisions tailored to your smart home’s needs.

Keep Your Smart Home Efficient & Secure

Smart home technology is rapidly multiplying. Our homes now look like something from Back to the Future II or The Jetsons. A well-informed choice today can pave the way for a smarter and safer home tomorrow.

We’d love to help you keep your smart home efficient and secure. Give us a call today to schedule a chat.

Article used with permission from The Technology Press.

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Unwrap the gift of knowledge: 5 free AI courses by Microsoft

Unwrap the gift of knowledge: 5 free AI courses by Microsoft

Merry Christmas! With the holiday season in full swing, you should be enjoying some well-deserved downtime. But what if I told you that you could make the most of your few days off from your business and prepare to seize the AI opportunity in 2024?

The world of AI is booming, rapidly transforming industries, and redefining how we do business. In fact, according to PwC, AI could contribute up to £12 trillion to the global economy by 2030.

Microsoft has released five free courses on AI that you can take advantage of during your time off.

An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Let’s begin with the basics. This course helps you grasp the key concepts in AI. It’s designed for anyone and everyone, regardless of their technical background. By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of what AI is and how it can benefit your business.

You can find it here:

What is Generative AI?

Once you’re comfortable with the basics, dive into the world of generative AI. This course covers the fundamentals, including what it is, how it works, different models, and future predictions and implications. You’ll learn how generative AI can be used to create new content and ideas, opening exciting possibilities for innovation and creativity in your business.

You can find it here:

This course takes a deeper look at the core concepts of generative AI-driven reasoning engines and how they differ from traditional search engine strategies. With a better understanding of these concepts, you’ll be able to leverage the power of AI to improve your online search capabilities, making your business more efficient and effective.

You can find it here:

Streamlining Your Work with Microsoft Bing Chat

Chatbots are revolutionising the way businesses interact with their customers. This course helps you discover the power of chatbots and how to use them effectively. Learn how to streamline your customer service, automate routine tasks, and provide a better user experience with the help of AI-powered chatbots.

Ethics in the Age of Generative AI

Finally, this course addresses one of the most pressing issues in AI – ethics. As AI continues to permeate every aspect of our lives, it’s crucial that we consider the ethical implications of using these tools and products. This course will guide you on how to navigate these complex ethical issues, ensuring that your use of AI aligns with your values and principles.

You can find it here:

Make the most of these free courses to help you stay ahead of the curve, enhance efficiency, build trust with your customers, and unlock new opportunities.

I know you want to kick back and relax for the next few days, and you should! But when you hit that no-man’s land between Christmas and New Year and you start to forget what day it is, this is a great investment of your time.

What are you waiting for? Oh, right, the turkey…

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9 Smart Ways for Small Businesses to Incorporate Generative AI

There is no escaping the relentless march of AI. Software companies are rapidly incorporating it into many business tools. This includes tools like Microsoft 365, Salesforce, and others.

Many people are still concerned about where AI will go. But there is no denying that it makes certain work more efficient. It can generate custom images on demand. Or write a company device policy draft in seconds.

Staying ahead of the curve often means embracing cutting-edge technologies. Even if you’re a little wary about what the future holds.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is unique from the AI of a few years back. It can create, innovate, and optimize. These functions have become a game-changer for businesses of all sizes.

Leveraging Generative AI, small businesses can unlock a world of possibilities. This includes everything from enhancing customer experiences to streamlining operations.

Have you felt bombarded with AI tool options? Unsure where to begin with leveraging it for your business? Let’s explore some smart and practical ways to incorporate GenAI.

1. Personalized Customer Experiences

Generative AI algorithms can analyze customer data and preferences. Using these, it can create personalized experiences.

48% of customers expect specialized treatment for being loyal to a company.

Some of the ways AI can help you improve customer experience include:

  • Tailored product recommendations
  • Customized marketing messages
  • Custom coupons
  • Proactive engagement

These things help small businesses enhance customer satisfaction, fostering brand loyalty.

2. Presentations & Graphics Creation

Generating a great sales presentation can be time-consuming. AI tools can automate this process. Microsoft Copilot is one of these. It can take meeting notes and prompts and create a presentation. Including images!

Have you ever had trouble finding a promotional image? Tell Bing’s new AI tool what you need. You’ll get several options, tailored to your description.

Example from Bing powered by DALL-E3 in Edge

AI-driven platforms can produce relevant and engaging graphics. This frees up valuable time and saves money for business owners.

3. Chatbots for Customer Support

AI-powered chatbots on websites and social media platforms are becoming commonplace. This is because they enable small businesses to provide instant customer support. Which is exactly what people expect these days.

These chatbots can handle frequently asked questions. They can also assist with product inquiries and customer transactions.

They help small companies provide round-the-clock help for customers. But without having to pay for extra staff hours.

4. Data Analysis and Insights

Generative AI can process vast datasets to extract meaningful insights. Small businesses can use AI algorithms to analyze important data.

Such as:

  • Market trends
  • Customer behavior
  • Operational data

These insights can inform strategic decision-making. Which helps businesses refine their offerings and marketing strategies.

5. Product Design and Prototyping

AI in product design process allows businesses to explore many design variations rapidly. AI algorithms can generate prototypes and simulations. They do this based on specified parameters. This enables small businesses to visualize products before investing in physical prototypes.

6. Supply Chain Optimization

AI can optimize supply chain operations. It can predict demand, identify inefficiencies, and suggest inventory levels. It takes away the human error component. As well as fees up teams from tedious administrative work.

Small businesses can reduce costs and improve efficiency. AI automates a lot of the supply process. This helps ensure products are readily available when customers need them.

7. Dynamic Pricing Strategies

AI-driven pricing algorithms can help companies make better pricing decisions. Pricing your products and services can be tricky. You don’t want to go too low or too high.

AI helps businesses quickly analyze:

  • Market trends
  • Competitor pricing
  • Customer behavior

These data insights help companies optimize pricing strategies. Small businesses can also dynamically adjust prices based on demand. This maximizes profits while remaining competitive in the market.

8. Human Resources and Recruitment

Generative AI can streamline the recruitment process. The hiring process includes a lot of work reviewing resumes. Many candidates don’t make the interview stage.

AI can help by analyzing resumes and screening candidates for you. It can even help with conducting initial interviews. Small businesses can find the best talent to drive their growth faster.

9. Predictive Maintenance

Downtime on a production line is costly. Proactive maintenance is vital. It’s another area where Generative AI can help.

The technology can predict maintenance needs based on data analysis. It helps businesses avoid costly downtimes. It proactively addresses maintenance requirements. As well as helps to ensure smooth operations.

Unsure How to Get Started with AI at Your Business?

Generative AI opens a world of opportunities for small businesses. It can also add to the complexity of a technology infrastructure.

We can help you use it effectively and affordably. Give us a call today to schedule a chat.Article used with permission from The Technology Press.

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Out With The Old: Debunking 5 Common Cybersecurity Myths To Get Ready For The New Year

In today’s hyperconnected world, cybersecurity is a critical concern for individuals and organizations alike. However, as the digital landscape evolves, so do the myths and misconceptions surrounding cybersecurity. If you want to be protected, you have to understand what the real threats are and how you could be unknowingly overlooking them every single day. In this article, we will debunk 5 common cybersecurity myths to help you stay informed and protected as you take your business into 2024.

Myth 1: “I’m too small to be a target.”

One of the most dangerous cybersecurity myths is the belief that cybercriminals only target large organizations. In reality, cyber-attacks do not discriminate by size. Small businesses, start-ups and individuals are as susceptible to cyberthreats as larger enterprises. Cybercriminals often target smaller entities precisely because they may lack robust cybersecurity measures, making them easier prey. To stay safe, everyone should prioritize cybersecurity, regardless of their size or scale.

Myth 2: “Antivirus software is enough.”

Antivirus software is an essential component of cybersecurity, but it is not a silver bullet. Many people mistakenly believe that installing antivirus software on their devices is sufficient to protect them from all cyberthreats. While antivirus software can help detect and prevent known malware, it cannot stand up against sophisticated attacks or social engineering tactics. To enhance your protection, combine antivirus software with other security measures, such as firewalls, regular software updates and user education.

Myth 3: “Strong passwords are invulnerable.”

A strong password is undoubtedly an integral part of cybersecurity, but it is not foolproof. Some believe that creating complex passwords guarantees their accounts’ safety. However, even strong passwords can be compromised through various means, including phishing attacks, keyloggers and data breaches. To bolster your security, enable multifactor authentication (MFA) whenever possible, which adds an additional layer of protection beyond your password.

Myth 4: “Cybersecurity is solely an IT department’s responsibility.”

Another common misconception is that cybersecurity is exclusively the responsibility of an organization’s IT department. While IT professionals are crucial in securing digital environments, cybersecurity is a group effort. Everyone within an organization, from employees to management, should be aware of cybersecurity best practices and adhere to them. In fact, human error is a leading cause of data breaches, so fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness is essential.

Myth 5: “My data is safe in the cloud.”

With the increasing use of cloud services, some individuals believe that storing data in the cloud is inherently secure. However, the safety of your data in the cloud depends on various factors, including the provider’s security measures and your own practices. Cloud providers typically implement robust security, but users must still manage their data securely, including setting strong access controls, regularly updating passwords and encrypting sensitive information. It’s a shared responsibility.

Cybersecurity is something you must take seriously heading into the New Year. Cyberthreats continuously evolve, and believing in these misconceptions can leave individuals and organizations vulnerable to attacks. It’s essential to stay informed, maintain a proactive stance and invest in cybersecurity measures to protect your digital assets. Remember that cybersecurity is a collective effort and everyone has a role to play in ensuring online safety. By debunking these myths and embracing a holistic approach to cybersecurity, you can better protect your digital life and business.

To start off the New Year in a secure position, get a completely free, no-obligation security risk assessment from our team. We’ll review everything you have in place and give you a full report explaining where you’re vulnerable and what you need to do to fix it. Even if you already have an IT team supporting you, a second set of eyes never hurts when it comes to your security. Book a 10-minute discovery call with our team here.

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New! A better way to find Chrome extensions

New! A better way to find Chrome extensions

If you use Google Chrome, you’ll love this. Google has just rolled out a game-changing update that’s going to make your browser more powerful than ever.

It’s the revamped Chrome Web Store, featuring a fresh design and exciting new features.

Now, if you’re like me, you’ve probably spent more time than you’d care to admit sifting through the Chrome Web Store in search of the perfect extensions for your browser. Those days of endless scrolling and hunting for that elusive add-on are officially over.

First off, they’ve introduced new categories to help you quickly find what you need. Whether you’re shopping, looking for productivity tools, or are just in the mood for some entertainment, there’s a category for you. And the cherry on top? There’s now a dedicated section for AI-powered extensions.

AI Powered

These AI-powered extensions are not to be underestimated. Many of them integrate popular chatbots and even some of the best ChatGPT extensions available. Imagine having your own virtual assistant right in your browser, ready to answer questions, provide recommendations, and assist with various tasks.

And it doesn’t stop there. Google has also included a ‘suggested extensions’ section that tailors recommendations based on what you’ve previously downloaded.

There’s an ‘Editors’ spotlight’ section which promises to showcase up-and-coming extensions you might have otherwise missed.

Navigating the Chrome Web Store has become even more intuitive. The search bar has moved to the top-right corner of the screen, and Google has enhanced its capabilities. You can filter by all items or focus on featured extensions and themes, making it a breeze to find exactly what you want.

In the top-left corner, you’ll find the Extensions tab to dive deeper into add-ons for your browser. Fancy changing the look of Chrome? Simply navigate to the Themes tab. Customisation has never been this easy.

While this new Chrome Web Store update is undoubtedly exciting, let’s not forget about the importance of staying vigilant when it comes to browser security. Here are a few reminders:

  1. Monitor downloads to make sure they’re safe and relevant
  2. Never download extensions from third-party websites
  3. Make sure everyone in your business is aware of and follows the correct security measures.
  4. Regularly update Chrome and your extensions and educate your team about the importance of strong passwords and safe browsing practices.

If you’d like help finding even more productivity-boosting tools for your business, get in touch.

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How to Organize Your Cybersecurity Strategy into Left and Right of Boom

In the pulsating digital landscape, every click and keystroke echoes through cyberspace. The battle for data security rages on. Businesses stand as both guardians and targets. Unseen adversaries covet their digital assets.  

To navigate this treacherous terrain takes a two-pronged approach. Businesses must arm themselves with a sophisticated arsenal of cybersecurity strategies. On one side, the vigilant guards of prevention (Left of Boom). On the other, the resilient bulwarks of recovery (Right of Boom).

Together, these strategies form the linchpin of a comprehensive defense. They help ensure that businesses can repel attacks. And also rise stronger from the ashes if breached.

In this blog post, we’ll explain how to organize your cybersecurity approach into Left and Right of Boom.

What Do “Left of Boom” and “Right of Boom” Mean?

In the realm of cybersecurity, “Left of Boom” and “Right of Boom” are strategic terms. They delineate the proactive and reactive approaches to dealing with cyber threats.

“Left of Boom” refers to preemptive measures and preventative strategies. These are things implemented to safeguard against potential security breaches. It encompasses actions aimed at preventing cyber incidents before they occur.

“Right of Boom” pertains to the post-breach recovery strategies. Companies use these after a security incident has taken place. This phase involves activities like incident response planning and data backup.

Together, these terms form a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. They cover both prevention and recovery aspects. The goal is to enhance an organization’s resilience against cyber threats.

Left of Boom: Prevention Strategies

User Education and Awareness

One of the foundational elements of Left of Boom is employee cybersecurity education. Regular training sessions can empower staff. They help them identify phishing emails. As well as recognize social engineering attempts and adopt secure online behaviors. An informed workforce becomes a strong line of defense against potential threats.

Employee training reduces the risk of falling for a phishing attack by 75%.

Robust Access Control and Authentication

Implementing strict access control measures reduces the risk of a breach. It helps ensure employees only have access to the tools necessary for their roles.

Access control tactics include:

  • Least privilege access
  • Multifactor authentication (MFA)
  • Contextual access
  • Single Sign-on (SSO) solutions

Regular Software Updates and Patch Management

Outdated software is a common vulnerability exploited by cybercriminals. Left of Boom strategies include ensuring all software is regularly updated. They should have the latest security patches. Automated patch management tools can streamline this process. They reduce the window of vulnerability.

Network Security and Firewalls

Firewalls act as the first line of defense against external threats. Install robust firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems. They can help track network traffic and identify suspicious activities. Additionally, they help block unauthorized access attempts. Secure network configurations are essential to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Regular Security Audits and Vulnerability Assessments

Conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments. This helps to identify potential weaknesses in your systems. By proactively addressing these vulnerabilities, organizations can reduce risk. They can reduce the chance of exploitation by cybercriminals.

Penetration testing can also simulate real-world cyber-attacks. This allows businesses to evaluate their security posture effectively.

Right of Boom: Recovery Strategies

Incident Response Plan

Having a well-defined incident response plan in place is crucial. This plan should outline the steps to take in the event of a security breach.

It should include things like:

  • Communication protocols
  • Containment procedures
  • Steps for recovery
  • IT contact numbers

Regularly test and update your incident response plan. This ensures it remains effective and relevant.

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

Regularly backing up data is a vital component of Right of Boom. Another critical component is having a robust disaster recovery plan.

Automated backup systems can ensure that critical data is regularly backed up. As well as making sure it can be quickly restored in the event of a breach. A disaster recovery plan allows businesses to resume operations swiftly after an incident..

Forensic Analysis and Learning

After a security breach, conduct a thorough forensic analysis. It’s essential to understand the nature of the attack. As well as the extent of the damage, and the vulnerabilities exploited.

Learning from these incidents enables organizations to strengthen their security posture further. This makes it harder for similar attacks to succeed in the future.

Navigating the legal and regulatory landscape after a security breach is important. Organizations must follow data breach notification laws and regulations. Timely and transparent communication with affected parties is essential. It’s vital to maintaining trust and credibility.

Get Help with a Strong 2-pronged Cybersecurity Strategy

Using Left and Right of Boom strategies can improve your security stance. These terms help you consider both important aspects of a strong defense.  

If you’d like some help getting started, give us a call today to schedule a chat.

Article used with permission from The Technology Press.

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7 Helpful Features Rolled Out in the Autumn Windows 11 Update

Windows 11 Autumn update

In a world where technology constantly evolves, Microsoft stands at the forefront. It continues to pioneer innovations. Innovations that transform how we interact with our digital universe.

The fall Windows 11 update is a testament to Microsoft’s commitment to excellence. It’s more than just an upgrade. It’s a leap into the future of computing. Microsoft touts it as “The most personal Windows 11 experience.”

Let’s explore some of the great features that make this update so significant.

Microsoft Copilot: Your Intelligent Partner in Creativity

A standout feature of the fall Windows 11 update is Microsoft Copilot. This AI-driven marvel is like your personal PC assistant.

Need help summarizing a web page? Want to change to dark mode, but forgot how? Looking for a quick custom image for a social media post? Microsoft Copilot can do all that and more.

Image credit: Microsoft

Copilot is seamlessly integrated into Windows 11. It offers real-time suggestions and turns ideas into reality with remarkable ease. Ask it what you need, and the AI engine gets to work.

Updated Apps (Paint, Snipping Tool, Clipchamp & More)

Have you ever wished that Windows’ Snipping Tool could do more? This update grants that wish. The Snipping Tool is just one of many to get an AI upgrade.

Look for new capabilities in Paint, Clipchamp, and Photos. Get a unique image from inputting a text prompt and style. The Cocreator tool in Paint makes it easy to jumpstart your creativity. It will generate the image, then you can edit it in the same app.

Microsoft Clipchamp is one of the easiest video creator tools out there. You can now just drag in your assets and clips. Then, click to have the AI engine work its magic to create a video for you.

The new Clipchamp Auto Compose feature can:

  • Recommend scenes
  • Make edits
  • Create a narrative based on your inputs       

Easy Data Migration with Windows Backup

When you buy a new computer, moving data can be a pain. It can take hours to move your “pc life” between devices. And there’s always the risk you’ll miss something.

The new Windows Backup feature makes moving between computers easier. You can choose backup options and folders. When ready to move, it’s a simple process. You can restore the new PC from another backed-up PC.

Microsoft Edge: A Faster and More Secure Browsing Experience

Microsoft Edge received significant enhancements. These focus on speed, responsiveness, and security. The Edge Secure Network feature offers more gigabytes. Microsoft increased user storage from 1GB to 5GB. This function encrypts your internet connection to secure data.

Edge Secure Network has many features of a VPN. This is great for extra online security. It’s also helpful for companies trying to prevent breaches from clicks on phishing links

Save Energy & Battery Power

A feature called Adaptive Dimming is another enhancement of this update. Your screen slowly dims if you’re no longer paying attention. This has the dual benefit of saving energy and helping you refocus.

PC sensors power this feature as well as two others. So, it’s going to be more common with newer computers.

The other two features that use sensors are:

  • Wake on Approach
  • Lock on Leave

A More Personal Windows 11 Experience

Beyond the technical innovations, this update brings more. Including a more personal touch to the user experience. Tailored to individual preferences, Windows 11 becomes an extension of the user’s identity.

This includes things like:

  • Personalized themes
  • Custom widgets
  • Intelligent assistants

Every interaction feels curated and intuitive. It makes for a truly personalized operating system.

Other Cool Enhancements

There’s a lot of excitement packed into Windows 11. Here are a few more new features you can explore.

  • Copilot in Microsoft Shopping: Find what you need fast when shopping online. Bing will provide tailored recommendations based on your requests.
  • Content Credentials: Add an invisible digital watermark to your AI-generated images in Bing. Cryptographic methods help you tag your work.
  • Bing Chat Enterprise Updates: Boost work creativity and enjoy multimodal visual search. Find information using only images.
  • DALL.E 3 Model from Open AI: Use the Image Creator in Bing and you’ll likely be impressed. It’s had an upgrade and uses the DALL.E 3 model to render images from text prompts.

Harness the Power of Microsoft Products

Microsoft is definitely a leader in work productivity tools. And it has been for a long time. If you’re still working like it was 2020, let us help you upgrade. Employees can be more efficient than ever with the right apps.  

We’ve got your back with Microsoft 365, Windows 11, and other solutions. Our experts will guide you, so you can gain an edge on the competition.

Give us a call today to schedule a chat.Article used with permission from The Technology Press.

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Is app overload slowing down your team?

Are you suffering from app overload?

Ever had one of those days where you feel like your inbox is staging a coup against your productivity?

You’re not alone.

In fact, a recent study revealed that 80% of our communications are still happening via email.

Yes, despite all the apps, chat services, and digital tools we have at our disposal, we’re still stuck in our old ways, sifting through an avalanche of emails. It’s a little like using a carrier pigeon in the age of the telephone.

The study also found that employees are wasting precious hours navigating through a maze of apps. Imagine this: Your employee is about to send an important report but gets lost between Slack, Teams, Google Docs, and a dozen other tools. It’s like playing a never-ending game of digital hide-and-seek. And spoiler alert: It’s not fun.

What about video conferencing? That’s got to be better, right? Well, not quite. Sure, it gives us the illusion of being productive, but the truth is, most employees find only three in five meetings genuinely valuable. The rest? Unproductive.

And let’s not forget about the constant need to repeat or clarify ourselves. We’re talking about 74% of workers having to repeat themselves some of the time, with almost a quarter saying this happens often. It’s enough to make you want to scream into the void, isn’t it?

So, what’s the solution?

Well, it’s time to take a step back and rethink your digital strategy.

Instead of piling on more apps and tools, why not work with a technology strategist who can help you create a plan that makes sense for your business? Think of us as the Marie Kondo of the digital world, helping you declutter your digital workspace and sparking joy (and productivity) in your team.

If you’re ready to get away from the endless loop of emails and app notifications and boost your productivity again, let us help.

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When Your Facebook Or Other Online Account Gets Hacked, Who’s Responsible For The Losses?

Recently, the CEO of a very successful marketing firm had their Facebook account hacked. In just a weekend, the hackers were able to run over $250,000 worth of ads for their online gambling site via their account and removed the rightful owner as the admin, causing the firm’s entire Facebook account to be shut down.

Not only are they uninsured for this type of fraud, but they were shocked to discover that Facebook, as well as their bank and credit card company, was NOT responsible for replacing the funds. Facebook’s “resolution” was that there was no fraud committed on their account because the hacker used their legitimate login credentials, and Facebook is not responsible for ensuring you keep your own personal credentials safe and confidential. Further, they didn’t have the specific type of cybercrime or fraud insurance needed to cover the losses, so they’re eating 100% of the costs.

Not only are they out $250K, but they also have to start over building their audiences on Facebook again, which took years to build. This entire fiasco is going to easily cost them half a million dollars when it’s all totaled.

In another incident, another firm logged into their account to find all of their ads were paused. Initially, they thought it was a glitch on Facebook, until they realized someone had hacked into their account, paused all of their legitimate ads and set up 20 NEW ads to their weight-loss spam site with a budget of $143,000 per day, or $2.8 million total.

Due to their spending limits, the hackers wouldn’t have charged $2.8 million; however, due to the high budgets set, Facebook’s algorithms started running the ads fast and furious. As they were pausing campaigns, the hackers were enabling them again in real time. After a frantic “Whac-A-Mole” game, they discovered the account that was compromised and removed it.

The compromised account was a legitimate user of the account who had THEIR account hacked. Because of this, Facebook wouldn’t replace the lost funds, and their account got shut down, with all campaigns deleted. Fortunately, these guys caught the hack early and acted fast, limiting their damages to roughly $4,000, but their account was unable to run ads for 2 weeks, causing them to lose revenue. They estimate their total damages to be somewhere in the $40,000 to $50,000 range.

When many people hear these true stories (with the name of the companies withheld to protect their privacy), they adamantly believe someone besides them should step up and take responsibility, covering the losses. “It wasn’t OUR fault!” they say. However, the simple reality is this: if you allow your Facebook account – or any other online account – to be hacked due to weak or reused passwords, no multifactor authentication (MFA) turned on, improper e-mail security or malware infecting your devices due to inadequate cyber security, it is 100% YOUR FAULT when a hacker compromises your account.

Facebook is just one of the cloud applications many businesses use that can be hacked, but any business running any type of cloud application, including those that adamantly verify they are secure, CAN BE HACKED with the right credentials. Facebook’s security did not cause their account to be compromised – it was the failure of one employee.

The BEST way to handle this is to NOT get hacked in the first place. Here’s what you need to do to protect yourself:

  • Share this article to make sure your staff is aware of these types of scams. Cybercriminals’ #1 advantage is still hubris; businesses and most people in general insist that “nobody would want to hack me” and therefore aren’t extremely cautious with cyberprotections.

  • Make sure you create strong, unique passwords for EACH application you and your team log into. Use a good password management tool such as Keeper to manage this, but remember IT MUST BE USED IN ORDER TO WORK. For example, don’t allow employees to store passwords in Chrome and bypass the password management system.

  • Minimize the number of people logging into any account. If someone needs access, give them that access and then remove them as a user ASAP immediately after. The more users you have on a cloud application, the greater the chances are of a breach.

  • Make sure all devices that touch your network are secure. Keylogger malware can live on a device to steal all of your data and credentials.

If you want to ensure your organization is truly secure, click here to request a free Cyber Security Risk Assessment to see just how protected your organization is against known predators. If you haven’t had an independent third party conduct this audit in the last 6 months, you’re due.

It’s completely free and confidential, without obligation. Voice scams are just the latest in a tsunami of threats aimed at small business owners, with the most susceptible being the ones who never “check the locks” to ensure their current IT company is doing what they should. Claim your complimentary Risk Assessment today.

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