Now Copilot’s going to make your team work better together

Have you heard about Team Copilot yet? It’s the latest addition to Microsoft’s suite of AI tools and should be available later this year.

Think of Team Copilot as an advanced, AI-powered assistant designed to help your team work better together. While Microsoft’s 365 Copilot has been a personal assistant for individual tasks like drafting emails or recapping missed meetings, Team Copilot takes it to the next level by focusing on group activities.

There are three main ways Team Copilot can help your team:

1. Meeting facilitator

During a Teams video call, Team Copilot can take notes that everyone in the meeting can see and edit. It can also create follow-up tasks, track time for each agenda item, and assist with in-person or hybrid meetings when used with Teams Rooms.

2. Group text chat assistant

In group text chats within Teams, Copilot can summarise lengthy conversations to highlight the most important information. It can also answer questions from the group, making it easier to stay on track and informed without wading through pages (and pages and pages) of chat history.

3. Project manager

Team Copilot can help manage projects by creating tasks and goals within Microsoft’s Planner app. It can assign these tasks to team members and even complete some tasks itself, like drafting a blog post. It will notify team members when their input is needed.

You know that productivity isn’t just about individual work. It’s also about effective teamwork. So, by helping with group-orientated tasks, Team Copilot can make big improvements to your overall productivity.

It’s important to note that while Team Copilot is incredibly helpful, it doesn’t replace the role of a human meeting facilitator. It won’t lead meetings or ensure inclusivity, but it will create agendas, track time, take notes, and share files.

It’s more of a business insights assistant, helping with group interactions and meetings rather than censoring comments or keeping people in line. But hey, who knows what’s to come in future!

Team Copilot will be available in preview later this year for Microsoft 365 customers with a Copilot subscription. While it’s a work in progress, the potential it has to transform team productivity is huge.

Keep an eye out for its release and think about how it could fit into your workflow to boost your team’s productivity. If you have any questions or need further assistance in understanding how Copilot can benefit your business, get in touch.

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5 Ways to Leverage Microsoft 365’sNew AI Innovations

Microsoft 365 AI

Microsoft 365 has a powerful suite of cloud-based productivity tools. They can help you work smarter and faster. Microsoft has consistently been at the forefront of innovation. M365 was one of the very first all-in-one cloud tools, introduced as Office 365 in 2013. Now, Microsoft and its business tools are at the leading edge of generative AI.

The Microsoft 365 platform has been adding some amazing AI innovations. They sit inside tools like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, and more. If you know how to use them, these smart features can enhance your experience. As well as significantly boosting your productivity.

Next, we will explore some of the ways you can leverage Microsoft 365’s new AI innovations. So that you can get more out of your work.

Microsoft Copilot: A Game-Changer in Collaboration

Microsoft Copilot is the crown jewel of Microsoft’s AI innovations. It’s designed to be your virtual collaborator. It can help you generate code, write documents, and even craft emails more efficiently. This AI-powered tool is built on the foundations of OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology. This enables it to understand context and anticipate your needs. As well as generate content in a remarkably human-like manner.

Here are some of the tools in the Microsoft universe that incorporate Copilot:

  • Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Outlook
  • Teams
  • Edge
  • Windows
  • Bing
  • Dynamics 365 Sales

How can you take advantage of the benefits offered by Microsoft Copilot? Here are a few ways to jump on the added efficiency and time-savings they bring.

1. Speed Up Document Creation

In the realm of document creation, Copilot shines as a versatile writing companion. It helps when drafting a report, crafting a presentation, or composing an email. Copilot provides intelligent suggestions, helping you articulate your thoughts more effectively. It speeds up the writing process. It also ensures that your content is clear, concise, and tailored to your audience.

2. Enhance Your Teams Meeting Experience

One of the key strengths of Copilot is its ability to enhance collaboration across teams. It can create coherent and context-aware responses. Such as a summary of meeting notes and an action item list.

Another helpful feature is the ability to catch up on what you’ve missed. Have you arrived late to a Teams meeting? You can just ask it to summarize the important points of the conversation so far.

3. Create PowerPoints with Ease

More people can become “PowerPoint Masters” with Copilot. The AI-infused features in PPT can create a slide deck for you based on text prompts.

It can tap into Microsoft’s stock images to fill your slides. Copilot will also suggest text to use based on your presentation topic. Do you have a PowerPoint that you need help with? The tool can reorganize your slides for a better presentation flow.

4. Enjoy Smart Business Insights in Excel

Another new AI innovation in Microsoft 365 is Excel Ideas. This feature can help you analyze and visualize your data with ease. Excel Ideas can automatically detect patterns and trends in your data. It will suggest charts, tables, and summaries that best suit your needs.

You can also use Excel Ideas to ask natural language questions about your data. Such as, “What is the average sales by region?” or “Which product has the highest profit margin?” You’ll get instant answers in the form of charts or formulas.

5. Save Time in Outlook with AI Help

We all get those long emails from time to time. The ones that you push to the bottom of your inbox for when you have more time. Well, the new Copilot feature in Outlook can help. Just ask it to summarize the key points of an email for you to save yourself reading time.

You can also use Copilot in Outlook to help write emails. It will save help by providing a first draft. As well as suggesting responses to emails in your inbox.

A Future of Intelligent Productivity

As we embrace the era of intelligent productivity, Microsoft 365 becomes more powerful. Its new AI innovations pave the way for a more efficient work environment.

By incorporating these capabilities into your daily workflow, you’re staying competitive. As well as setting the pace for the future of work.

Tap into the Future with Our M365 Services

Microsoft 365’s commitment to continuous improvement ensures that you have cutting-edge tools. The ones needed to stay ahead, innovate, and thrive. Especially in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Embrace the power of AI. Unlock a new dimension of productivity with Microsoft 365.

Our team of M365 experts can help you ensure you’re getting the full benefit of these features. As well as new ones Microsoft is developing and rolling out in the coming months.  We’ll help your team save time and improve your bottom line.

Give us a call today to schedule a chat.Article used with permission from The Technology Press.

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How Can You Leverage theNew MS Teams Payment App?

New Teams Payment App

Are you a small business owner or a freelancer who offers services online? If so, you might be wondering how to get paid by your customers in a fast and convenient way. You might have tried different payment platforms. But they often require you to switch between different apps or websites. This can be time-consuming and confusing.

There is now another option to streamline the payment process. Microsoft has launched the Teams Payments app. This is a new feature that allows you to request and receive payments from your customers. You do it within Microsoft Teams meetings.

The Teams Payments app is currently available in the United States and Canada. Subscribers to Teams Essentials and Microsoft 365 business get it at no charge.

How Does the Teams Payment App Work?

The Teams Payments app is simple to use. You can get the app from the Microsoft AppStore. You add it to your Teams account and connect it to your preferred payment service. You can choose from:

  • Stripe
  • PayPal
  • GoDaddy

Once you have set up the app, you can start requesting payments from your customers in Teams meetings.

How Do You Send a Payment Request?

To send a payment request, you just need to open the meeting chat. Then, select the Payments icon from the messaging extensions. Then, you can fill out a simple form. It includes the amount, currency, description, and recipients of your request.

You can send the same request to several people if you want. The app will generate a card that shows the status of each payment, whether it is unpaid or paid.

Image credit: Microsoft

Your customers will see the same card in their meeting chat. They can click on the Pay Now button to complete their payment. The system will redirect them to the payment service that you have connected to the app. There, they can enter their payment details and confirm their transaction.

Once they have done that, they will see a confirmation message in the chat. You will receive a notification that your payment has been processed.

Image credit: Microsoft

Benefits of Using the Teams Payment App

The Teams Payments app has many benefits. Both for small businesses and freelancers who offer online services. Here are some of them:

It saves time and hassle.

You don’t need to switch between different apps or websites. You can easily request and receive payments from your customers. You can do everything within Teams meetings. This makes it more convenient and efficient for both parties.

It increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Your customers will appreciate the ease of paying you through Teams meetings. They don’t need to create an account or download an app to pay you. They can complete their transaction in a few clicks right inside the meeting.

It boosts your revenue and cash flow.

You can get paid faster and more securely by using the Teams Payments app. You don’t need to wait for invoices or checks to clear. You can receive your money within minutes of completing a service. Either directly into your bank account or PayPal account.

It enhances your professional image and credibility.

You can show your customers that you are using a reliable and trusted payment platform. One built by a well-known company that has been a technology leader for decades. You can also add a seller policy to your payment requests. Here you can specify your terms and conditions, cancellation policy, refund policy, etc.

It helps you keep track of payments.

Keeping track of payments is crucial for financial management. With the Teams Payments App, you can track transactions in real-time. You’ll receive instant notifications for successful payments. It will help you maintain a comprehensive record of your financial interactions.

It’s seamlessly integrated with Microsoft 365.

The Teams Payments App seamlessly integrates with Microsoft 365. You can leverage the power of Microsoft’s ecosystem. Using it to manage your communications, collaborations, and payments together. No need for more logins or complicated setups – it’s all within one platform.

It increases productivity.

Efficiency is the key to productivity. You reduce the time spent on payment-related tasks by integrating Payments into Teams. This efficiency translates into increased productivity. It allows you and your team to focus on core business activities and driving growth.

The Teams Payments app marks a significant leap in digital business transactions. By leveraging this powerful tool, you’re simplifying payments. You’re also enhancing customer experiences, ensuring data security, and boosting productivity.

We Can Help You Get More Out of Microsoft 365

The Teams Payments app is a great way to simplify and streamline your payment process. It can help you save time, increase customer satisfaction, and boost revenue.

Need help with this or other Microsoft 365 tools? Our experts can work with you to help you make the most out of your Microsoft subscription.

Give us a call today to schedule a chat.

Article used with permission from The Technology Press.

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14 Helpful Tips for New YearDigital Decluttering

14 Helpful Tips for New Year Digital Decluttering

These days, our lives are intricately woven into the digital fabric. From emails to photos, documents to apps, our devices store tons of information. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed at the sight of an endless inbox or app library.

As the new year begins, it’s the perfect time for a digital declutter. A clean and organised digital environment can help you improve your productivity. It also reduces stress. Here are some practical tips to help you declutter your digital space.

1. Start with a digital inventory

Before diving in, assess your digital landscape. Take stock of your devices, accounts, and digital files. Knowing what you have is the first step toward effective decluttering.

2. Focus on your most-used digital spaces

You don’t have to declutter everything at once. Start with the digital spaces that you use the most. Such as your email, cloud storage, and social media. These are the places where digital clutter can accumulate. As well as affect your performance and well-being.

Also, focus on your primary devices. Like your smartphone, laptop, or tablet. Decluttering these devices will have an immediate impact on your daily life.

3. Organize your files and folders

One of the best ways to declutter your digital space is to organise your files and folders. Create a systematic file organisation structure. Use clear, intuitive folder names and categorize files logically. Use colour coding to quickly identify specific subjects. This makes locating documents easier and prevents clutter from accumulating.

Delete or archive any files that you don’t need anymore. Back up your important data to a cloud service or an external drive.

4. Clean up your email inbox

Your email inbox can be a source of stress and distraction. Especially if it’s overflowing with unread or unwanted messages.

To declutter your email inbox, you can:

  • Unsubscribe from newsletters or promotional emails that you don’t read or need.
  • Use filters or labels to sort your emails by sender, subject, or priority.
  • Archive or delete old or irrelevant emails.
  • Set up a folder or label for the current year, quarter, or month, and move your emails there.
  • Refresh your email signature and make sure it has your correct information.

5. Clean up your social media

Social media can be a great way to connect with others. But it can also be a source of digital clutter. Especially if you have too many accounts, posts, messages, or notifications.

To declutter your social media accounts, you can:

  • Delete or deactivate any accounts that you don’t use or need.
  • Unfollow or mute any accounts that don’t add value to your life.
  • Clear your message inboxes and delete any spam or unwanted messages.
  • Delete or archive any posts or photos that you don’t want to keep.
  • Adjust your privacy and notification settings to suit your preferences.

6. Review your subscriptions

Another way to declutter your digital space is to review your subscriptions. You may have signed up for services that you don’t use or need anymore. Cancel any subscriptions that you don’t need. These may include streaming services, membership sites, cloud services, or mobile apps.

This decluttering move can help you save money besides streamlining your digital environment.

7. Review and delete unused apps

Apps can clutter your device and drain its resources. Review your apps and delete the ones you seldom use. Keep only essential applications to optimize device performance.

Old, unused mobile apps can also pose a security risk. If you’re not using the app, it’s likely outdated. Update any apps that you’re keeping to properly secure them.

8. Clear your desktop and downloads folder

A cluttered desktop and downloads folder can hamper productivity. Move files to appropriate folders and clear your desktop. This creates a clean, distraction-free workspace. It can also speed up your computer.

9. Secure your digital identity

Review your online accounts. Delete unused accounts and update passwords for security. Consider using a reputable password manager to enhance your online security.

10. Evaluate your digital habits

Reflect on your digital habits. Identify time-wasting activities and limit them. Set boundaries for social media and focus on meaningful online interactions.

11. Create digital detox days

Set up specific days for a digital detox. Disconnect from screens. Engage in physical activities and spend quality time with loved ones. Regular digital detox fosters mental well-being.

12. Streamline notifications

Excessive notifications can overwhelm and distract. You may feel like you’re not getting anything done because of constant interruptions. Customise app notifications, allowing only essential alerts. This minimises distractions and enhances focus.

13. Invest in digital tools

Use productivity apps and tools. Project management apps, note-taking tools, and calendars help streamline tasks and enhance efficiency.

14. Practice regular maintenance

Digital decluttering is not a one-time task. It’s an ongoing process. Schedule regular maintenance sessions to keep your digital life organized and clutter-free.

Need Help with Data Management Solutions?

Here’s to stepping into the new year with a clear, focused mind and a more organized digital life. We can help you keep your data under control. We offer effective data storage, backup, and management solutions.

Contact us today to schedule a chat.

Article used with permission from The Technology Press.

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Video calls ARE Stressful

Video calls are stressful

You know that feeling when you’ve spent way too much time in virtual meetings, and you’d trade your favourite coffee mug for some real face-to-face interaction? That’s called Zoom fatigue.

It turns out there’s scientific evidence to back up what we’ve all been feeling.

Recently, researchers from Austrian universities decided to take a closer look at the impact of video conferencing on our bodies and minds. They strapped participants with EEG and ECG monitors and went to town with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and similar platforms.

The results were eye-opening.

Brain signal frequency, as measured by EEG, showed a noticeable increase in higher-level frequencies associated with concentration, attention, and stress during online meetings compared to in-person encounters. So, it’s not just your imagination – those video calls are really making you work extra hard to stay focused.

Additionally, the study revealed changes in heart rate variability, indicating ongoing signs of fatigue throughout the course of an online meeting.

Before you swear off video meetings forever, it’s essential to consider the study’s context. The participants were university students, not corporate warriors, and the study was conducted on-campus, not from cosy home offices. So, there might be some variations based on age and environment.

However, the key takeaway is that communicating face-to-face versus through a screen can have a significant impact on the human body. So, even if you’re not a 24-year-old student on a college campus, video conferencing fatigue is a real thing.

What can businesses do if they want to keep the benefits of video conferencing without driving their employees up the virtual wall?

Consider using collaboration tools like Teams, Slack, or even good old-fashioned email to reduce the need for real-time video meetings. Give your team the flexibility to respond when it suits them best.

If possible, schedule in-person meetings when it’s safe and practical to do so. Nothing beats the personal touch of a face-to-face conversation, and it’s a refreshing break from the virtual world.

The simplest solution can often be the most effective. Have an open conversation with your employees about their preferences for communication. Some may thrive in video meetings, while others may prefer written updates or phone calls.

When you do schedule video meetings, keep them short and sweet. Avoid back-to-back calls and allow time for breaks between meetings to prevent burnout.

The message is clear: don’t throw out your webcam just yet. Instead, take a step back, assess your communication methods, and find the right mix that keeps your team engaged and energised.

Can we help you find the tech tools to keep your people productive and engaged? Get in touch.

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What Is Microsoft Sales Copilot& What Does It Do?     

Microsoft surface

The use of AI-driven processes is exploding. Every time you turn around, software has gotten more intelligent. Harnessing the power of AI and machine learning is crucial for staying competitive.

Microsoft is a pioneer in the tech industry and this new AI era. It continues to lead the way with innovative solutions designed to empower businesses. One such innovation is Microsoft Sales Copilot.

This is a tool poised to reshape the future of business. Next, we’ll delve into what Microsoft Sales Copilot is. As well as how it is revolutionizing the world of sales and customer insights.

The Birth of Microsoft Sales Copilot

Microsoft Sales Copilot is the latest addition to the company’s robust portfolio. It was officially introduced in July 2023. It represents a significant leap forward in leveraging AI and machine learning. It’s designed specifically to enhance sales processes and customer engagement.

This groundbreaking tool is built on the foundation of Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. This is Microsoft’s platform for unifying customer data and delivering actionable insights. The tool combines the capabilities of Customer Insights with AI-driven features. Sales Copilot offers sales teams a comprehensive and intelligent solution. Both for customer engagement and relationship management.

What Can Microsoft Sales Copilot Do?

Personalized Customer Insights

Personalised customer insights is one of the core features of Microsoft Sales Copilot. It achieves this by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze a wide range of data sources. This includes:

  • Customer behavior
  • Buying history
  • Customer interactions

By aggregating and processing this data, Sales Copilot saves salespeople time. It can provide sales professionals with a 360-degree view of their customers. As well as help them understand preferences, needs, and potential pain points.

AI-Driven Recommendations

Sales Copilot doesn’t just stop at providing insights. It goes a step further by offering AI-driven recommendations. These recommendations guide sales teams in their interactions with customers.

For example, the tool can suggest things like:

  • The most appropriate communication channels
  • Timing for follow-ups
  • Tailored, client-specific content recommendations

This level of personalization enables sales teams to engage with customers more effectively.

Enhanced Collaboration

Collaboration is a cornerstone of successful sales processes. Sales Copilot recognizes this by facilitating collaboration among team members. It provides a centralized platform where sales professionals can do things like:

  • Share customer insights
  • Discuss strategies
  • Collaborate on deals

This improves internal communication. It also ensures sales team alignment in the approach to engaging with customers.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is another powerful aspect of Microsoft Sales Copilot. The tool analyzes historical data and customer behavior patterns. This allows it to predict future customer actions and trends.

This empowers sales teams to make informed decisions. As well as proactively address customer needs, rather than simply reacting to them.

Seamless Integration

Sales Copilot seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft tools and services. This creates a unified ecosystem. This integration allows for a smooth flow of data between applications. It eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing the risk of errors. It also ensures the consolidation of all customer interactions and data. Having customer information in one place makes for easy access and analysis.

Cloud Migration Program

Besides Sales Copilot, Microsoft also introduced a new cloud migration program. This is in conjunction with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. This program aims to simplify the process of migrating customer data to the cloud. The integration of Sales Copilot with this program further enhances its capabilities. It does this by providing access to a wealth of cloud-based data.

How Does Sales Copilot Benefit Your Business?

Microsoft Sales Copilot holds immense promise for businesses across various industries. It enables sales teams to work more intelligently and efficiently. The tool has the potential to drive revenue growth and enhance customer satisfaction. Here are some ways in which Sales Copilot can benefit your business.

Improved Customer Engagement

Personalized insights and AI-driven recommendations have many benefits. For one, they enable sales professionals to engage with customers more meaningfully. This can lead to higher conversion rates and increased customer loyalty.

Streamlined Sales Processes

The tool’s predictive analytics and collaboration features can streamline sales processes. It can make them more efficient and effective. This, in turn, can reduce the time and effort required to close deals.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

Sales Copilot provides access to a wealth of customer data and insights. This empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions. This can lead to better-targeted marketing campaigns, product development, and customer service strategies.

Enhanced Competitive Advantage

Businesses that leverage Sales Copilot can gain a competitive advantage. It helps them stay ahead of customer trends and needs. This can be particularly valuable in fast-paced and competitive industries.

Scalability and Flexibility

Microsoft’s cloud-based solutions, including Sales Copilot, offer scalability and flexibility. This allows businesses to adapt to changing market conditions and customer demands.

You Don’t Have to Face the AI Frenzy Alone

AI and machine learning are transforming business tools rapidly. This can cause business owners to worry about falling behind competitors.

You don’t have to figure this all out yourself. We can help. Give us a call today to schedule a chat.

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Are you using the all-new Teams yet?

The Al new teams

Microsoft is rolling out a brand-new version of Teams, its video conference, collaboration, and chat platform. We’re being promised a faster and easier way to work. And we all could use a bit of that, couldn’t we?

The new Teams is like the superhero of apps for Windows and Mac. It’s faster than a speeding bullet… well, at least twice as fast as the classic version. Plus, it’s on a diet, using up to 50% less memory and disk space.

Microsoft went back to the drawing board to reimagine it, make it simpler and more flexible. Now Teams:

  • Plays better with third-party apps
  • Is happier calling phones outside of Teams
  • Gets you into meetings quicker than you can say “not another meeting”

This pumped-up version of Teams uses some tech which allows it to share resources with your browser. That reduces how much memory and disk space it needs.

And the initial test results? Teams is twice as quick when loading the app, joining meetings, and switching chats and channels.

This isn’t just for businesses using Windows. Teams on Mac is also getting this performance boost.

Microsoft promises this update will be a game-changer for your productivity. They’ve improved the user interface, adding in a “mark all as read” feature in activity.

Plus, they’re introducing Copilot, an AI assistant that can summarise key points from your chats and calls. Sort of like having your very own personal assistant, just without the coffee runs.

Are you ready to switch to the new and improved Teams? It’s rolling out now. Look at the top left corner of your Teams app… if you see “try the new Teams”, then you can flick the switch and try it out.

If you need help with Teams for your business, get in touch.

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Get ready for another game-changer from Teams

Picture an AI-enhanced experience that streamlines your business communication and improves overall productivity to unprecedented levels.

Sounds a little like science fiction, right? But with Microsoft’s latest announcement, this future is closer than you think.

Microsoft Teams is launching an ‘AI library’ that promises to revolutionise our Teams experience.

The goal?

To empower developers to integrate Large Language Models (LLMs) into their Teams apps. The most famous LLM right now is ChatGPT.

You might wonder how that will help your business. Well essentially, it could mean you have a sophisticated AI at your beck and call during your Teams meetings.

The AI library, rolling out right now, will provide developers with a suite of code functionalities making it easier for them to integrate LLMs into their apps. This means creating Bots, Message Extensions, and Adaptive Cards for more engaging conversational experiences will be a breeze.

Microsoft assures us that the AI library will also aid the seamless migration of existing Bots, Message Extensions, and Adaptive Cards functionalities into Teams.

Isn’t this the same company that gave us the Copilot tool? Yep! Back in March 2023, Microsoft introduced GPT-4 integration across Microsoft 365 with its Copilot tool, which can whip up emails, compile reports, and, as Microsoft claimed very grandly, “rediscover the soul of work”. Who knew AI could be so poetic?

And let’s not forget the recently unveiled tool which uses AI to generate meeting notes, suggest follow-up actions, and even provide timeline markers for instant access to relevant parts of a call.

Microsoft Teams is on a mission to redefine our experience with AI. This isn’t just about making our lives easier; it’s about unlocking new possibilities for productivity and efficiency. Honestly, we can’t wait to see what the new AI library will bring.

If you need help getting more from Teams across your business, get in touch.

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Now AI can make your Teams meetings more productive

Now AI can make your Teams meetings more productive

Are you tired of wasting precious time in meetings, only to leave feeling confused and disorganised?

Do you struggle to keep track of all the action items and follow-up tasks that come out of these meetings?

Microsoft Teams has launched a new feature which could solve your problems and boost productivity.  

Meeting Recap is an AI-based intelligent meeting recap feature, available exclusively to Teams Premium subscribers. This innovative feature harnesses the latest in artificial intelligence technology to generate comprehensive summaries of your meetings.

That means no more tedious recaps… but hello to accurate and efficient summaries that capture all the key points from your meetings.

The Meeting Recap feature doesn’t stop there. It automatically identifies action items and follow-up tasks, assigns them to team members, and even sets deadlines for completion. This means that everyone involved in the meeting knows exactly what they need to do and when it needs to be done. A great way to improve communication and collaboration within your team.

But it’s not just about efficiency. The meeting recap feature also offers customisable options to tailor the feature to your specific needs. Choose what information is included in the summary to ensure that you receive the most relevant and useful information possible.

If you’re not a Teams Premium subscriber, are there benefits of investing in this new feature?

Yes! For starters, it streamlines your workflow, saving you both time and money.

You don’t have to waste hours trying to decipher meeting notes and action items. Instead, you’ll have access to a clear and concise summary that you can refer back to any time.

Additionally, it improves organisation and accountability within your team. With assigned action items and deadlines, everyone knows exactly what is expected of them.

Don’t underestimate the power of this new Meeting Recap – it’s a game-changer for businesses that want to increase productivity.

Don’t wait. If you need help upgrading to Teams Premium, we’re here for you. Get in touch.

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Stop! And think, before you act on that email

Stop! And think, before you act on that email

How many times a day do you respond to an email without really thinking about its contents?  

Maybe it’s a request for some information. Perhaps it’s asking you to pay an invoice. All mundane stuff. But no sooner than you’ve hit send, you’ve fallen victim to a Business Email Compromise (BEC) attack.

A BEC attack occurs when a cyber criminal gains access to your business email account and uses it to trick your employees, customers, or partners into sending them money or sensitive information. They do this by impersonating someone senior, and abusing their position of trust.

It might sound like something that only happens to big corporations, but that’s not the case.

According to the FBI, small and medium-sized businesses are just as vulnerable to BEC attacks as larger ones. In fact, these attacks have cost businesses more than £20 billion over the past few years.

And Microsoft brings more bad news, with its recent findings showing that they’re getting both more destructive and harder to detect.

So, what can you do to protect your business from BEC attacks? Here’s our advice:

  1. Educate your employees: They are the first line of defence against BEC attacks. They need to know how to spot phishing emails, suspicious requests, and fake invoices. Train them regularly on cyber security best practice, like strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and secure file sharing.
  2. Use advanced email security solutions: Basic email protections like antispam and antivirus software are no longer enough to block BEC attacks. You need more advanced solutions that use artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect and prevent these attacks in real-time. Look for email security providers that offer features like domain-based message authentication, reporting, and conformance (DMARC), sender policy framework (SPF), and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).
  3. Set up transaction verification procedures: Before transferring funds or sensitive information, establish a verification process that confirms the authenticity of the request. This could include a phone call, video conference, or face-to-face meeting. Don’t rely on email alone to confirm these types of requests.
  4. Monitor your email traffic: Regularly monitor your email traffic for anomalies and unusual patterns. Look for signs like unknown senders, unusual login locations, changes to email settings or forwarding rules, and unexpected emails. Make sure you have a clear protocol in place for reporting and responding to any suspicious activity.
  5. Keep your software up to date: Ensure that you’re always running the latest version of your operating system, email software, and other software applications. These updates often include vital security patches that address known vulnerabilities.

BEC attacks are becoming more common and more sophisticated, but with the right awareness, training, and security solutions, you can protect your business.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – take action today to keep your business safe.

If you want to know more about how to protect your business from cyber threats, our team is always ready to help you. Give us a call.

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