Holiday Cyber Attacks

Holiday time is coming and so are the Holiday cyber-attacks!

Before working in IT, and Cyber Security, I was in the Military, and whenever we were operating during holiday periods, we knew in the back of our minds that if something was going to happen it would happen during holiday time.

The same is true of cyber-attacks and cybercrime. This year we might see more than previous years, already in early October there was an attack on some of America’s largest airports websites.

It isn’t just the Christmas holiday period that we see the increase

  • Colonial Pipeline (Mother’s Day Weekend (US))
  • Kaseya 4th of July
  • Sony and Microsoft Christmas Eve)

Holiday Cyber Attacks, why and what you can do.

The bad guys are aware that during holiday periods there are fewer employees around to look after the infrastructure. Also we are all preoccupied with thoughts of the festive season. So may click on items that we might not normally do.

Security tips:

  • Train empolyees in cybersecurity and phisihing awareness.
    User error is still the number one cause of malware attacks, make sure all employees undergo an annual social engineering training.
  • What are the internal threats, including scanning and patching software?
    If you are able to make sure these are taken care of this will help in securing your organisation from exploits whilst there is limited supervision during this period.
  • Who has access to your Systems.
    Have you implemented a strategy to restrict who has access to data stores, and applications. Only allowing team members access to what they need and having the right levels of privileged access will help.
  • Protect the Network
    Although perimeter firewalls will assist in a strong defence, you should also deploy firewalls at the endpoint, and this should block applications and traffic, unless it is required.

Don’t get caught out this year! If you need any help on this please call 01752 546967 and we will be happy to help.

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Working from home, is it good for your business?

Working from home. Or remote working, as it’s now called.

It’s the big thing in business, isn’t it? And some people love it.

They’re happier working where they want, and when they want. And that makes them more productive and less likely to leave.

But have you stopped to consider the downside to remote working? The negative elements for your business and your people?

While many employees are happy to work from home using video calls and collaborative software to stay connected, there’s a small percentage who find the whole experience isolating.

And when that happens, it can quickly lead to a drop in motivation and happiness. It can even change the culture within your business.

In turn, this can lead to performance issues which may be trickier to spot.

At the other extreme, some employees will become more susceptible to burnout as they struggle to draw a line between work and personal time. That change in environment can be so important for some.

And while you want your team to be happy and fulfilled in their roles, there are also some practical considerations you need to make for your business.

Practical Considerations

Such as the cost of remote working. Does everyone have the right tools for the job – laptops, phones, office equipment? Maybe even a desk and chair, or an internet upgrade?

Do you need to spend twice – giving them an at home setup and investing in hot desks in the office?

Most importantly, you must put in place full cyber security protection wherever someone is working.

Here’s how we can help you stay safe and potentially save money.

Would you like us to audit your current setup and suggest some options? This is what we do every day. Just get in touch.

Published with permission from Your Tech Updates.

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