Content and DNS Filtering

What is it

  • DNS filtering involves using the DNS to block malicious websites and filter out harmful or inappropriate content.
  • Content filtering is a software-based approach that prevents domains from resolving altogether.

What do they do and why is it important.

Lets start with content filtering. Content filtering prevents websites from being accessed. Most solutions will use website categories that are then either blocked or allowed. But most solutions will allow you to allow certain groups of people to access certain category of website (Marketing could acccess Social Media). However you might also allow everyone to access social media over their lunch break.

By doing this you are achieving 2 things, firstly you are preventing employees from wasting time, doing stuff they shouldn’t. But it is also helping you to protect employees from stuff online they shouldn’t really be accessing.

DNS Filtering, unlike content filtering where websites are blocked based on the categorisation of the content, this is blocking the site, because of the DNS (The Domain Name) for instance with our solution we block all new domains, and restrict access to domains upto 30 days from registration. We do this because it helps prevent phishing attacks. Imagine you receive a phishing email, and you click on the link, but instead of getting a webpage that looks like something you should sign in to, you end up with a blocked page site.

If you want to know more please contact us

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Be more productive with these Microsoft Edge features

Be more productive with these Microsoft Edge features

Improving productivity is a never-ending mission for most business owners and managers.

Whether it’s speeding up tasks or improving communication, every little helps. So it’s crucial to make the most of the tools you already have.

And while you might think of your web browser as just a means to access the internet, it can be so much more than that. Especially if you use Microsoft Edge in Windows 11. It has loads of features that can help supercharge your productivity.

Here are five of our favourites.

1. Split Screen for multitasking

Multitasking is a skill every business owner needs, and Microsoft Edge’s split screen feature makes it easier than ever. Whether you’re comparing web pages, researching multiple topics, or simply keeping an eye on different sites simultaneously, split screen lets you view two pages side-by-side within the same tab. It’s like having two windows open at once, but without the clutter.

2. Vertical Tabs for streamlined navigation

Too many tabs? Yeah… we understand that. Microsoft Edge’s vertical tabs offer a fresh perspective on tab management. By stacking tabs vertically along the side of the browser window, you can easily navigate between open tabs and access essential controls like close and mute.

3. Workspaces for seamless collaboration

Collaboration is key in any business, and Microsoft Edge’s Workspaces feature makes it easier than ever to work well with colleagues or clients. Create a workspace with a collection of open tabs, then share it with others via a simple link. It means they can open multiple tabs with one click. It’s perfect for brainstorming sessions, project management, or team presentations.

4. Collections for organised research

Gathering information from the web is a common task. Microsoft Edge’s Collections feature makes this easier, allowing you to easily save and organise text, images, and videos from web pages into custom collections. Stay organised, focused, and productive.

5: Immersive Reader for distraction-free reading

When you need to focus on reading an article or document online, distractions on the page can be a pain. Microsoft Edge’s Immersive Reader feature provides a clutter-free reading experience by removing ads, links, and other interruptions. Customise the text size, spacing, and colour scheme to suit your preferences, and even have the content read aloud for hands-free reading.

If your business doesn’t already use Microsoft Edge on Windows 11, this could be the perfect time to switch. Can we help you move over? Get in touch.

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Perimeter and device firewalls

This week, we turn our attention to the subject of firewalls, both at the perimeter and on your local computer.


A perimeter firewall serves as the first line of defence in network security. Acting as a gatekeeper between internal networks and external threats. It scrutinises incoming and outgoing traffic based on predetermined security rules, blocking unauthorised access while allowing legitimate communication. By monitoring for malicious activities, it prevents attacks such as intrusions, hacking, and data breaches. Implementing a robust perimeter firewall is crucial for safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining the integrity of IT infrastructure, making it an indispensable tool for businesses in the digital age. Its strategic placement on the network edge ensures a secure perimeter, fortifying an organisation’s cyber defences.

Modern perimeter firewalls will also be able to run add on software. To provide a range of additional features. Whilst for many with cloud based email, having anti-spam module enabled is probably a waste of time. Utilising the anti-virus module is always a good idea to try and prevent a virus right at the gateway.

Device firewall

It is important to have a firewall enabled on any device, even if your device is sat behind a perimeter firewall! This is to make sure that it is on if you take your device out and about

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Are you sure you are downloading Zoom?

Are you downloading Zoom or Malware. When you think about tools for remote working and chatting online, one of the first names in your mind is Zoom.

But its popularity has opened the door for cyber criminals. They’re using its name to steal sensitive data.

Researchers have discovered at least six convincing-looking download sites. They’re not the real thing. They’re designed to tempt you into downloading FAKE Zoom software, containing ‘info stealers’ and other forms of malware (malicious software).


Accidentally use one of these sites thinking that you’re downloading a Zoom update… and you risk having sensitive data stolen. Possibly your banking info, passwords or browser history.

Some can even steal your multi-factor authentication details. That could give cyber criminals access to your most sensitive data.

The research also found these ‘stealer logs’ for sale on the dark web, where criminals can buy this information and use it to gain access to business networks.

Once a cyber criminal has access to your network, every piece of data you have stored becomes a target. In extreme cases, this can leave you vulnerable to ransomware attacks, or data theft.

While these fake sites can be incredibly convincing, take these simple steps to avoid being fooled.

  • Before you download the Zoom application (or any application), double check the address of the website you’re on. Is it what you’re expecting? If you clicked an email to get to that site, are you 100% sure it’s from the real company?
  • Study the rest of the web page too, looking for anything that doesn’t ring true, such as spelling mistakes or a clunky layout.
  • Make sure your security software is up to date and is actively scanning for malware and suspicious downloads.
  • Have a plan to roll out this advice across your business.

If you need any help or advice to keep your business protected from malware and other security threats, get in touch.

Published with permission from Your Tech Updates.

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Some of your staff REALLY want to work from home permanently.

Here’s how you can make it happen

In the last 2 years working from home has come of age.

Whilst Many have loved it, others realised they preferred an office environment.

But would you hazard a guess at how many people would like to make remote working a permanent option?

According to a new report, a whopping 96% of employees want to solely work from home, even when the pandemic is over.

They’d be willing to take a pay cut to make that happen.

But wait – it gets even more shocking.

Of these people, a third said they’d be willing to sacrifice HALF of their monthly wage to do so.

Not only that, but they’d give up their health benefits and even paid time off.

Are you as shocked at those figures as we are?

In terms of work/life balance, some people have never had it better. And now that things are slowly recovering, they’re not going to give it up without a fight.

Many of your people might not want to go back to the stress, the distraction, the commuting…

And it’s likely some of them don’t want to leave their beloved pets on their own!

As an employer, giving the option to make remote or hybrid work permanent seems like an ideal solution. You’ve already seen that your people can be trusted to do a great job wherever they work. You may even have seen an increase in motivation and productivity.

Your business could even cut down on some of its fixed costs – office space is the big saving.

Of course, there’s more to consider than how much you trust your team to continue doing a great job. Or how much you could be saving on office space.

If you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to make sure that everyone’s home working set-ups are suitable.

If you’ve only had temporary work from home measures in place for the last 2 years, it’s time to make them official.

The first priority for work from home is to look at data security.

How do your people access your network? Do they have the right security measures installed on their devices? Are their home networks protected from unauthorised access? Can you stop their children using company devices?

But it’s not just security that you need to consider.

Look at the collaboration tools you’re using. If your team is unlikely to be in the same place at the same time, should you invest in a better solution to make sure communication doesn’t suffer?

As well as reporting on salary sacrifices, the report also found that nearly 2 in 5 people feel ignored in video meetings.

Upgrading their equipment and devices might be the answer. Professional quality webcams and microphones can help by making sure video quality is high and that voices are heard.

Don’t forget that older laptops or desktops will need to be upgraded every few years to make sure they’re performing well and costing you less to maintain. If you’d like any help making sure your home working setups are right for permanent remote workers, just give us a call.

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